A purchase error may occur for various reasons. To begin with, make sure there are no restrictions on the part of your payment method’s issuer. In addition, make sure there are enough funds on your payment account to make the purchase and the chosen payment’s method’s details are both proper and valid. Please try using a different payment method if the error still persists.
If you haven’t managed to make the purchase using any of the available payment methods please submit a ticket to the Tacticool support team. You can do it either in game by clicking Side menu—”Feedback” — “Support” or by sending a request from Help Center (you will get a direct response to your email).
We will do our best to help you resolve the issue, however we will need as much details on the error as you can provide to speed up the process.
- Which in-game item you tried to purchase and when.
- A screenshot showing the error message popping up during the payment.
- The Payment details.
- The Public ID of the account in Tacticool the purchase attempt was made through.