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- Movement Speed — determines how fast the Operator moves with the weapon in their hands. Does not affect speed when crouched.
- Clip Capacity — the maximum amount of bullets the weapon can have in one clip.
- Reload Speed — determines how fast the Operator can insert a new magazine into the weapon.
- Range — the maximum distance of fire.
- Aim Area — the width of the cone in which the weapon remains locked onto a target.
- Accuracy — determines the bullet spread when firing in any state (moving, sitting, standing).
- Fire Movement Speed — determines how fast the Operator moves while shooting the weapon.
- Fire Rate — determines how fast the weapon can fire its bullets.
- Adjusted Fire Duration — determines the time until full weapon accuracy loss during rapid fire.
- Mobile Fire Mode Accuracy — determines the bullet spread when firing and moving.
- Aim Speed — determines how fast the weapon reticle locks onto an enemy.